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My work consists of training and coaching leaders and professionals. Besides that I also facilitaire collegial consultaltation session. I train on behalf of VDS Trainingen or Boertien Vergouwen Overduin (BVO); agencies I am affiliated with as a freelancer.  In addition, companies also ask me directly to design and/or give short, powerful training courses for groups. In such instances the content falls under my expertise and the intervention of a training agency has no added value.


Coaching work mainly comes from my own network. With the exception of THNK The School of Creative Leadership, to which I have been affiliated as a leadership coach since 2014 and on behalf of whom I annually coach ten to fifteen mainly foreign participants of their Executive Leadership Program.



In the English language the word coach has several meanings, amongst which: carriage, touring car. As a coach, I see myself as such a vehicle. Clients approach me because they want to get ahead but fail to succeed for a number of reasons.

Together, we investigate exactly where it is you are heading and what your (coaching) goals are. Then I outline a possible route to choose. If you agree, we then travel together from A to B. Upon arrival at point B, we part ways and say goodbye. The goal is reached. You step out of the coach(ing relationship) and continue further on your own strength.


Half of my work consists of training and the other half of coaching. I usually train on behalf of training agencies that I am associated with as a freelancer. In addition, companies also ask me directly to design and/or give short, powerful training courses for groups. In such instances the content falls under my expertise and the intervention of a training agency has no added value.

Collegial Consultation

I am often asked to teach new collegial consultation groups (intervisie) how to guide themselves. I always start by training or refreshing key coaching skills and making work agreements to create a (safe!) foundation which we can refer back to. I then supervise three or four peer meetings spread over a number of months, making the group increasingly responsible for leading the sessions until you can do it all by yourself.

© 2021 Betty de Haan | Dreams in Business

translation Nnenna Onwuka

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